What do you do with all of those pictures that fill your phone photo library after you have kids? This may be one of my best ideas yet ;)

Shutterfly's 8x8 photobooks are a perfect way to keep your photos forever. You'll feel so much more organized and won't feel the guilt when you need to delete a couple cute baby pictures when your phone storage is full
The best part for me is not doing it all at once. After a holiday or a fun weekend I would just do a page or 2 at a time, save, and close out. Then after their yearly birthday, pop in their birthday party photos and order! You can save your projects on Shutterfly's website and come and go as you please adding when you have time instead of sitting down for hours placing photos strategically where you'd like them. Also, doing it this way keeps you from having to really think about what order pictures should go in
Basically, modern day scrap-booking, especially if you don't feel "creative"
The biggest Pro is Shutterfly always has deals, especially for free photo books so since you don't need to have this the day they turn 1, you can wait for a promo code- to start your first year, here is a promo code link for a free 8x8 photobook
Memories to keep forever to pass on to your kids
Shutterfly stores your photos in case you accidentally delete the cutest one
You can make prints of the ones you choose right from Shutterfly as well
They always have amazing deals if you aren't in a hurry
You don't have to sit down and take hours to make a photobook all at once
Keeps you organized
Shutterfly has pre-made layouts, design templates, etc.
It's easy to add your own text, frames or graphics. Add dates and important information you wouldn't otherwise remember 10 years from now
Do a spread to keep all pictures together and neat; examples below but not limited to holidays, weekend fun, baptism, and the list goes on
Choose a new theme each year, or stick with one theme per child - be creative!
Oops, sorry, there isn't any!
A couple examples of what some of my page layouts look like:

Random Tip: I also like to keep each kids "year" the same theme so I know which have similar photos in them. Since Olivia's is first, once I order her book I create 3 identical books to save in "My Projects" so I have the next year for each girl ready to go! Easy to duplicate and re-name (see below)

This post is not sponsored in any way, I just love the organization that is Shutterfly!